Artist: diberardo
Style: Abstract, Expressionist, Surrealist. Cartoon fine art.
Themes: This and that...but more of this.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas.
Purpose: Paintings for your wall.
Price: Based on share value.
Contemporary Canadian Artist, works for Sale. Acrylic paintings for sale. Asian cartoon characters: fine art.
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Artists statement
Anthony Diberardo
B.F.A. University of Guelph 1999
We are Market Makers.
My work reflects my daily life.
Things that happen to me or to those around me, or things that I find interesting, are my subject matter.
I do not plan my paintings in advance. I start with an empty surface and go from there. My pieces are very spontaneous and current in that respect.
I enjoy seeing where each piece ends up "when I call it finished".
I keep a record of my progress in numerical form (a dollar amount) on artandboom.com. I track this price on a minute by minute basis as I'm working. Live charts and pricing can be seen here. We can look at the resulting charts and see the progess of my work and subsequently my share value.
I set the share value price once daily. It determines what I sell my paintings for. The price of my work changes every day.
Equity markets and the economy are fascinating to me and are often featured in my work. I look at my art as something that can be enjoyed as well as something that can be invested in.
My work reflects my daily life.
Things that happen to me or to those around me, or things that I find interesting, are my subject matter.
I do not plan my paintings in advance. I start with an empty surface and go from there.
My pieces are very spontaneous and current in that respect.
I enjoy seeing where each piece ends up "when I call it finished".
Part of being an artist is having an identifiable style...that ‘something’ that enables someone to look at a painting and know that it’s by you, regardless of what the subject matter is.
Equity markets and the economy are fascinating to me and are often featured in my work.
I look at my art as something that can be enjoyed as well as something that can be invested in.
I keep a record of my progress in numerical form (a dollar amount) on my website.
I track this price on a minute by minute basis as I'm working. Live charts can be seen at artandboom.com.
We can look at the resulting charts and see the progess of my work and subsequently my share value.
I set the share value price once daily. It determines what I sell my paintings for. The price of my work changes every day.
By the morning of September 18 2008, money market sell orders from institutional investors totaled $0.5 trillion.
Biography, lol.
by: Carmine Funt
diberardo is a canadian contemporary artist and was born on the 27th of October 1476, in Canada. He spent most of his early childhood ignoring others, choosing instead to visit "happy-land". He showed artistic potential early on, often cartooning for cigarettes.(sorry for joking about smoking. It is bad and so I took it out. Smoking is lame people, please don't do it!) beer.
At the age of 10 he won the prestigious Royal Award for Artistic Excellence*.
He went on to win several other awards in his teen years*.
He majored in Fine Art at the University of Guelph.
In the fall of 2002 he left on a wonderful journey to South East Asia where he contracted several of the more well known diseases. There was also a brief battle with some sort of skin fungus. For a year he taught English and Art to "a great bunch of kids", about 700 a week or so. He recalls walking into the grade three classrooms where the students used to stand and cheer, "art class!". "That made me feel really good. It was then I knew the $40,000 I spent on my degree was really worth it." After he had his fill of street noodles, dried fish snacks and vomiting children, he drank beer in Europe for a while. He ended up teaching again to support his "habits". This time, however, it was to university students- all English, no art. It was good. They were "a great bunch of kids".
After getting kicked out of Poland he made his triumphant* return to Southern Ontario.
Asian and European influences can be seen in his work today: strange cartoon characters and vivid colours abound.
Oh yes, during this time, and without even entering, he won several prestigious international awards.*
Currently he is a canadian contemporary artist who displays his work on the web, www.artandboom.com, and at the TOAE.
View diberardo's art: It probably will not bite you.
* This may or may not be true, and by may I mean definitely not true.
Anthony Diberardo
b. 1976 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
1996-99 University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario - B.A. Honours, Fine Art
Honours and Awards
Solo Exhibitions
Group Exhibitions/Competitions
2010 Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition - Toronto, Ontario
2009 Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition - Toronto, Ontario. View photos!